The success of on-line learning, away from the traditional classroom, is indelibly tied to the level of personal autonomy over the learning process.
Some quite startling results are achieved with the more positive outlook that this engenders.
Institutionalised regimentation is not the means by which to achieve compliance with a collection of individuals, all of whom work to the dictates of their own, very personal, biological clocks. Why does the work have to be done between the hours of 8.30 am and 3.00 pm if the work gets done within the required calender term? If you find that your concentration level is better when everybody else is asleep and the world is quiet, what's wrong with doing the work then? What's wrong with providing ourselves with the potential opportunity to enjoy our work?
Times will occur when fellow classmates are on-line and you can consult with each other then, employing the power of crowd sourcing and, in this way, ensure that no child gets left behind. Multiple perceptions are brought to bear on the shared subject material and each member of the group benefits from the input of even the smallest contributor.
Blended learning, because of its proximity to the traditional classroom environment, seems to be providing the proof that personal autonomy over the learning process works. Institutions are implementing on-line learning in order to maximise their assets and coming up with some surprising results:
Great things can be achieved with the sort of outlook that is created when not being locked up in an environment that involves personal sacrifice on a continual level. No matter what the initial outlook, the most positive mental attitude will be broken down into an ennui that 'puts up with' the situation for the potential long term result. The definition of success that has also been imposed.
We envision the future happiness that we will gain when we finally achieve the goal of somebody else's definition of success. The one that industry forms to enable us to turn ourselves into the marketable products that they require.
No wonder a little autonomy feels good.
Here's a more personally productive way of looking at that dreary old subject, 'Positive Thinking':
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